• Disclaimer: This Page is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Admins
  • Αποποίηση ευθυνών: Η παρούσα Σελίδα δεν προορίζεται για παροχή ιατρικών συμβουλών, διάγνωσης ή θεραπείας. Οι απόψεις που εκφράζονται εδώ δεν αντικατοπτρίζουν απαραιτήτως εκείνες των διαχειριστών

Skills to Change Institute, Inc. and its affiliates are not physicians or medical professionals and the FasterEFT techniques, ideas, and healing modalities suggested in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.] are not intended to be a substitute for professional care. The FasterEFT techniques and other information provided in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.] are not intended to render medical or psychological advice and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a medical or psychological problem or disease, whether physical, emotional, mental, or of any other nature.

The term “heal” as used in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.] may refer to an enhanced sense of well-being, but it is not intended to refer to the treatment of a medical or psychological problem or disease. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.].

Any story shared in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.] that may be regarded as a testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of implementing the FasterEFT techniques. Although some clients have reported “healing experiences” after having implemented the FasterEFT techniques, any testimonials in this [e.g., video, seminar, etc.] represent the anecdotal experience of individual clients and should not be considered to represent evidence of the treatment of a medical or psychological problem or disease. Individual experiences are not a substitute for scientific research.

Skills to Change Institute, Inc. accepts no liability whatsoever for any damages or adverse effects arising from your use or receipt of FasterEFT techniques as a result of having watched this video [or having attended this seminar]. By viewing this video [or attending this seminar], you signify your agreement to the information above.